Friday 26 February 2016

JAMB: Last days at Forcados high school (Chapter 3)

Chapter Three
There’re two people in a bobbling taxi car the girl Efua is of a gentle behavior while her mother complains throughout their journey until they get to a grey building, where funmi’s mother lived. She’s also moni the aunt to Efua. The mother came to drop her with his sister and promised to send a cheque for her to keep. However aunt Moni has discusses nothing important to her than forcados high school and those are affiliates to it like Nene Ekpo daughter of Pastor Ekpo.

Efua is whereby accepted to stay with her aunty.

Later on the day Nene and her mother visited Efua’s place where they were introduced to each other by Aunty moni, They get to know each other. Efua is a science student while Nene is commercial student. Afterwards they heard the girls’ talk about several other things.

The next day Jimi carried out his duties on the assembly the new girl is on the assembly with nene watching the razzmatazz of Jimi as he prowl round the lines. Who is that girl – Jimi asked Ansa.

Eventually, Efua met with the boys who are inquisitive about her arrival.

The academic activity for the day as been lovely except for the first class where Mr bade barked at her, however she becomes a thing for question by other teachers too. Amongst  the teacher is the middle  age woman who teaches Maths .they seem to detest Efua because they believe new intakes would however the result of the school A bird brain  .she’s summoned to Mr mallums office for question . it’s not easy to accept you the principal said Efua is a brilliant student .the straight A type she mistook for spoilt child the principal .the principal looked intenth at her after much discussion, you are under probation she left the principal’s office quietly as she discarded the gently behavior .she baffled at Mr mallums investigative by consult her former principal Mrs Obange, she ruminate over all that has happened to her in Abuja, her waywardness and all attitudes she took part in overtime she burst into tears .

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